TeraTech2024 conference will ake place at the Univeristy at Buffalo June 10-14, 2024, please visit teratech2024.eng.buffalo.edu
Our team received a planning grant NSF award on Future Semiconductors FuSe-TG: Co-Design of Chiral Quantum Photonic Devices and Circuits Integrated with 2D Material Heterostructures
The inauguratingworkshop was held at the Univeristy at Buffalo on June 17, 2023.
I am proud to be part of the AFOSR MURI team on the project "Comprehensive Minimally/non-invasive Multifaceted Assessment of Nano-/microelectronic Devices (CoMMAND)"
I am proud to be part of the NSF PIRE team on the project "Japan-U.S. Network for Clean Energy Technologies Involving Oriented Nanotubes: JUNCTION"